How to Create your own facebook apps in 4 easy steps
If you are a facebook user then chances are that you know a thing or two about facebook apps.Do you embrace facebook apps and ever thought of building one for others to use your facebook application?Well,developing a facebook application using the facebook platform is not an easy task.
If you look for information on how to build a facebook application then you might land up here which says:
Before we begin, there are a few things you need to know. In order to create a Facebook application, you should know or need the following:
You should be well versed in PHP or some other coding language — such as Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, or Python — especially one that has a client library for our API.
You need to have a basic understanding of the Internet, SSH, MySQL, and Unix.
You need to be familiar with Web hosting fundamentals and have a place to host your application. You can read some fundamentals about hosting here
Most of the users will never come back after reading this ,because it makes the process so difficult to even develop the simplest application.Hold on,I came across Appbank which is integrated with facebook platform and allows you to build a facebook App very quickly and easily without any development knowledge.It took me 15 minutes to build my first facebook applicaiton which is a facebook quiz that you can access from here.
Interested in building one now?Go to App Bank to get started.Once you allow App Designer to access your facebook account you can start building the application by clicking on "Create A New App".This allows you to quickly build the quiz applications.So let us look at the prerequisites before you start.
1.Set of Questions you want to display to your targeted users.
2.Set Of Answers for the questions you are going to ask.
3.A Logo Image for your app.
4.Set of at least 3 images to display them to the user as the results at the end of taking your quiz.
Step1 is to provide some basic info about your application.Giving a right Logo Image is important to connect with your users instantly.
Step2 and step3 are for setting up Questions and Results:
Results step is for displaying your results to the user at the end.You have to provide a minimum of 3 results at this stage.Assuming that your quiz has 10 questions,think of 0-4 correct answers as failure,5-7 correct answers as success and 8-10 correct answers as Excellent.So decide your Result Title,Description and Image accordingly to convey the result to the user appropriately.
Questions step is for setting up your Questions and all possible answers.So getting all the options of the question is important here.
The last step is to publish your application to the facebook.Follow the instructions to publish your app and you are done now.
Once finished you can do lot many things using the App Designer platform to promote your application.It even shows various usage statistics for the apps.You can even earn if your application is accepted by them.Check the details here.Go and surprise your facebook friends now by creating your own facebook app and inviting them to use.Check your facebook knowledge by taking this quiz created by me.