Convert Your Articles To Videos from Inside browser
We all like the Video representation than the text representation for an article ,the simple reason being the video representation takes less time and can represent facts more clearly .Have you ever tried to convert your articles to videos ? Chances are that very few of you would have done that .Welcome to articlevideorobot .It is a typical web 2.0 application which allows you to convert your articles to videos from inside your browser .You do not have to install any application on your system to achieve this.It has a wizard based interface to guide your for completing the whole process .You didn't like the voice in the video after the conversion ? Don't worry ,the software allows you to switch to a different voice in text to speech conversion stage . You are still not satisfied with the voice and want to go with your own voice ? You can record and upload your own voice too without any additional software requirement .It also allows you to put movie background ,back ground music and author information.The video is available in AVI or SWF format and once it's ready , you can distribute the video to different video websites using another integrated software in a few clicks .
While you can convert texts to videos using softwares like Camtasia ,What I like about this is it is completely web-based ,helps the user with a wizard-based interface and the distributed videos start showing up in google.It is currently integrated with Ezinearticles meaning authors can turn their articles to videos in a single click .While converting the text to video I found that I have to go through the speech to text conversion phase for each paragraph .Not sure if this can be done with a default set up .
The bad part is that it's licensed and the license fees are a bit on the higher side .It also offers a 14 day trial period .