Two new GMail features you must try
This week GMail has added two exciting new features.One is about always displaying images from your contacts and the other is about easy unsubscription.
Always displaying images from your contacts:As we all know ,GMail doesn't display external images automatically for security reasons.Users click on "Display Images Below" to see the images.But think about it ,we get lots of messages from the people we know and we always trust them.So why GMail should not display images automatically when I get a message from a known person? Hold on-Now onwards GMail will do that for you.You will now get to see those images by default from those people whom you have Emailed at least twice.
This is what GMail says about this particular threshold:-
Note that we picked this threshold of two messages to start with, but we may tweak it if it doesn't seem right going forward.
Read more about this here.
Easy Unsubscription:
It is well known that GMail offers the best automatic spam filtering service.It still wants to do more about it.Do you remember how many services you have subscribed in the past and stopped using now.Did I also tell you that you still keep getting messages from them and you find it difficult to search through the messages for that little unsubscribe link?Then GMail is going to help you out in unsubscribing.It has launched a new feature to automate the unsubscription process and make it easier for you.Now when you click on "Report spam" for some of the mailing lists you want to unsubscribe ,you will see a dialog as shown below:
When you click on "Unsubscribe and report spam" , GMail will automatically send a request back to the sender on behalf of you,requesting them to unsubscribe you from the mailing list.You can also do this without reporting the message as spam.To do this click "show details" in the top-right corner of the message, then click "Unsubscribe from this sender" .
This is what GMail says about this particular feature:-
This only works for some senders right now. We're actively encouraging senders to support auto-unsubscribe — we think 100% should. We won't provide the unsubscribe option on messages from spammers: we can't trust that they'll actually unsubscribe
you, and they might even send you more spam. So you'll only see the unsubscribe option for senders that we're pretty sure are not spammers and will actually honor your unsubscribe request. We're being pretty conservative about which senders to trust in the beginning; over time, we hope to offer the ability to unsubscribe from more email.
Read more about this here.