Friday, October 9, 2009

What Change I want to see in Twitter Trending Topics

It was great to know that this year's Nobel peace prize went to Barack Obama.I wanted to see the immediate reaction in Twitter the moment I got the news.

As expected I saw the news as part of Twitter Trending Topics.But I was worried about one aspect of Twitter.When I first checked ,there were two trending topics specific to this as "Nobel Peace Prize" and "President Obama".I again checked after some time and as expected the trending topics now had three terms as "president Obama","#Nobel" and "Barack Obama Wins".
What is the problem with this? Well,all these terms point to one news.Why can't twitter intelligently consolidate them and show as one topic.If it can show them under one trending topic then may be one more important news can be displayed as part of Trending Topics.

I went to What The Trend to confirm what they mean and this is what the site explains about the Trending Topics.What do you think ? Will this be useful or not?

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